Thursday, December 13, 2012

Feeling a little adventurous

I love a good adventure. I don't know exactly how this love was formed in me. I imagine that it is from my spontaneous, adventurous parents, but my Aunt Elaine always seems shocked that I am the same person as the little girl she once knew. Apparently in my childhood I was shy and a little on the scaredy cat side. But at any rate I am always up for something new these days.

My first grand adventures were at the age of 19. I was a sophomore in college, and I decided to study Spanish in Spain for a semester. It was one of the best four and a half months of my life. I had some neat experiences, but I think the real wealth was just how it helped me to become independently confident and capable. There's nothing like being in a large, unfamiliar city and learning that you can survive. You can hail a taxi or catch a bus or read a map.

I traveled by myself from Spain to Belgium and Holland and with my friend Lauren all over Spain, Italy, and Switzerland. Usually we took metros and trains. Sometimes buses. And we always stayed in hostels.

In September I was going to be in San Fran for a CME conference. I was going a day before Van. I needed a hotel close to the conference that first night as I would not have a car. (I was planning in using the BART - Bay Area rapid transit - their metro to get to the hotel). All of the hotels in the area were $300-$400 a night. So, it occurred to me that since all the big cities in Europe have hostels, surely our cuties in America do too. And I was right! I've stayed in hostels in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Portugal... and now the US! Instead of $400.00 that night, I spent $45.00 and I met some cool Brits, Germans, and an Australian. And I was just a couple if blocks from my conference, which made for a nice early morning San Fran walk.

So yesterday, after we missed our flight to Nicaragua for our friends' wedding, we got re-routed with a flight out of Houston. Problem is, our flight back was not to Houston, but San Antonio. So we couldn't very well drive to Houston because our vehicle would be stuck there when we get back. So...I decided I'd do what I would normally do anywhere but America. . I'd forget about driving and take a bus! And why I don't do this more often I do not know! It's a direct shot, no stops. It cost $6.00!!! (Seriously?) And you get to sleep, read, listen to your iPod, or blog. :) It's the life of luxury - being chauffeured to Houston. Not to mention, it's added a little fun to my day as I am feeling a bit innovative and adventurous.

So now I am thinking I should organize a greyhound girls getaway.

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