Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's officially official...

It's officially official that Van and I are homeowners!  We closed today on the house, got the keys, and started the process of moving in.

Funny enough, I realized that 3 years ago tonight, I graduated from anesthesia school. (11/14 is becoming a momentous date in my life...)  It's kind-of surreal to think about how much time has already passed.. and how much has changed. But it's exciting too. Makes you wonder where we'll be in another three. :)

I can tell you one thing, I never ever ever would have dreamed (three years ago) that today I would be a homeowner in San Antonio, Texas.  But here I am... and excited about it at that.


  1. Congrats! So excited to come visit you two at "home".

  2. Thanks, Sarah!! We look forward to having you guys over! It is an exciting time, which I am sure you know well! We wish you guys could come for Thanksgiving, but hope you have a great one! :)
